Navigating Believable Belief Shifts with Internal Turning Points

Let's talk about two critical but often overlooked moments of story structure: the Turning Point to Self-Determination and the Unexpected Failure.

3 Major Turning Points

dive into our in-depth discussion of Universal Story Structure by talking about the 3 Major Turning Points: the Key Event, the Midpoint, and the All Is Lost.

Choosing the Right POV for your Scene

Many books feature more than one main character, each of them sharing their perspective for a deeper, more complex story. Weaving multiple characters’ journeys together is a great way to add intrigue and excitement, but it’s not always obvious which character should be the POV character for each scene. Learn how to choose the POV character for your scene every time, even when you’ve got multiple characters sharing the spotlight.

5 Tricks for Adding Romantic Subplots to Your Story

Romance is one of the most common subplot styles to add to your story. After all, humans like connection. Oxytocin–the relationship hormone–is one of the four […]