Our aim is to help you succeed in your story telling journey, by sharing our knowledge of creating engaging, un-put-down-able stories.

editing tableWe offer Story Coaching, as well as Developmental Editing and Line Editing.

(Read: Do I Need an Editor (Editor Types and When You Need Them)

Prices are in Canadian Dollars

Story Coaching

We help you take your inspiration to a well thought out story. By asking pertinent questions, no matter what stage of development you’re at, we can help you flesh out your idea into a rich and immersive plot.

In Story Coaching, we focus on theme, character, world building, conflict, and plot. We help you massage your story into the universal story structure to create an original story which hits all the right notes with readers. Even before you start writing!

Cost: $95 for a one hour, online video session.  Contact me to schedule your session.

Read more: Plotting vs Pantsing, Creating Unforgettable Characters, Story Planning 101, Building Immersive Worlds, Story Structure (and Why You Need It)

Developmental Editing

Looking at your finished draft, we assess the basic story structure. We assess the readability of the story, the believability of the characters, and the consistency of the story world.

In Developmental Editing, the goal is to turn a draft into a cohesive story, including finding (and giving ideas for) plot holes, un-relatable characters, logic flaws, and those other bits that just don’t feel quite right.

This is the first step in tightening the story into an un-put-down-able read.

Cost: $45 per hour (approx. 10hr for a 70,000 word manuscript = $450).  
Please contact me to arrange a sample edit or an Author Journey consult to establish if Developmental Editing is the right fit for you and your manuscript.

Read More: Character Voice, How to Make Sure Your Plot Makes Sense, The Reader Journey, How to Fill In a Plot Hole

Line Editing

Once the story structure is finalized, we go through the manuscript line by line, looking at sentence structure and word choice.

This is where we further tighten the story by moving scenes from passive to active voice, building up metaphors and themes, and adjusting the pacing to create a story that is exciting and interesting to read.

*We will catch any spelling and grammar errors we find during a line edit, but a professional Proofreader is still recommended.

Cost: $50 per hour (approx 80hr for a 70,000 word manuscript = $4,000)
Please contact me to arrange a Sample Edit or an Author Journey Consult to establish if Line Editing is the right fit for you and your manuscript.

Read More: Sentence Structure and When to Use It, Perfect Your Pacing, Active Storytelling, Why Readers Like Books, Our Human Need for Story

A Note on Pricing

Many editors will bill by the word, however we prefer hourly. This is because many different factors influence how much work–and therefore time–an edit will take. These factors include the experience of the author and the quality of the manuscript, as well as the complexity of the story / world / characters.

(Basically, if you’re a new author who needs a lot of adjustments on a line edit, or there are major pieces that need to be moved around during a developmental edit, this takes longer and costs more. But, if you’re an experienced author and don’t need as many edits, it takes less time and costs less. Sound fair?)

Sample edits are offered for a flat $50 for the first 5 pages of a manuscript, after which a better estimate can be given to you. It also gives us an opportunity to know if the editing style is right for you!

Not sure where to start? Contact me to book a free 15-min consult call to talk about your Author Journey and make the best recommendation for you going forward.

Cover Photo by picjumbo.com from Pexels