Writing Resources

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Books about Writing (and other things...)

Wired for Story

Because writing is all about the reader experience, Wired for Story focusses on the neuroscience of what keeps us, as readers, interested in a story. This book ultimately changed how I look at story structure to create a more engaging read.

On Writing

Stephen King is one of the most well known and prolific writers in the world. While it's interesting to read his biography, from his humble beginnings of selling self-published short stories to his classmates, to his tragic car accident and learning to write again, the best part of this book is the last third where King gives us exactly what we've been wanting all these years: his secrets to write a bestseller. This book changed how I think about and edit books. 'Nuff said.

2k to 10k

This book first introduced me to the concept of, "If you're stuck, it's because you don't know enough," and changed how I think about writing and stories in general. This short book is positively jam packed with amazing information on how to write quickly, efficiently, and generate your very best work. Definitley worth the $3.99 price tag.

The Power of Habit

While not specifically a writing book, The Power of Habit gives brilliant insight into the mind and the inner workings of why we do and how we do. A must if you are looking to build successful author habits.

Save the Cat! Writes a Novel

save the cat
The original Save the Cat book is meant for screenwriters, but is also a fabulous resource for stories. In the 'Writes a Novel' version, we are treated to a deep understanding of story, how the A and B stories fit together, and particularly how to navigate the delicate midpoint by focussing on the internal storyline.

Writing Tools

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